HUMP DAY MOTIVATION + Chest and Back Workout 


Ps- I’ve been waiting to say that all day long, well…type it I reckon – So today you get a mid-week check in from me plus a chest and back workout and some added motivation from my Stay Inspired Pinterest Board 


So far this week I’m feeling pretty good, I hope you are too! My meals have been on track for the most part, I’ve had pretty good energy all week, I did a Bod Pod on Monday and I had a feeling it wouldn’t be where I wanted but that’s okay because I’m not far from my first goal! I am 5’7” and 210lb. In the next month I’d like to lost that 10lb and go from there! That is just one of many goals of mine! What are your goals?

{Which by the way, you should make a list of short term goals to hit for yourself whether it’s once a week, once a month, or within six months!} 

That being said, I can’t wait to step up my workouts and really stick to my eating 100% a friend and fellow blogger of mine Kenzi @ GAIN. GATHER. GROW and I are giving up sweets for 24 days, part of the 24 day challenge in order to help us attain our goals in the best way possible! You should give it a try, or cut something out of your daily diet that you would do without! 



I am continuing to drink a gallon of water a day along with my Spark from Advocare, I swear that stuff is just heaven in a pouch! I’m doing 6am boot camps on Monday’s and Wednesday, and every other Saturday, since I work those Saturdays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I have been running, and Friday’s are dedicated to glutes and abs. It’s a packed summer, but I wouldn’t want it any other way! 


Now on to the chest and back workout!

Superset 1 – 3 rounds

Incline DB Press x 15

Pull ups (banded if needed) x 12


Superset 2—3 rounds

DB Row x 15 each arm

Bodyweight TRX (or inverted barbell rows) x 12


Superset 3—4 rounds

Push Ups on Bosu Ball x 12

Flat DB Press x 15

Medicine Ball Chest Slams x 10




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