5 Ways To Make Morning Workouts YOUR Thing!

GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!!! — 6 a.m. rolls around and you’re all like nope, snooze it is, “Good thing I have like 7 alarms planned so I can sleep right through them all! I bet they look something like this too..


So by the time that “homeless look alarm” goes off, you’ve already missed your chance at any shot of a morning workout because you now will have no time to shower, get ready, and win your day. You’ve already had the thought of “I’ll do it after work, or class,” then you get home and it never happens… DON’T BE THAT PERSON!!! Getting into a morning habit is not easy, especially if you’re a night owl, not a morning person, hate doing more than brushing your teeth when you wake up… yeah I’d say it’s not your forte, and you’ve probably tried and wanted to be that person who wakes up early, makes a smoothie, gets a fantastic workout in, and feels like a million bucks the rest of the day… yeaaaah, maybe, ehh… nope not me… well then maybe trying these 5 things and see if you change your mind on morning workouts 🙂  (MORNING WORKOUT FACT: it gets your metabolism burning and sets the tone for the day!)

1. You Look Good, You Feel Good: pick your workout clothes out the night before, yes like you are back in middle school and you’re excited to impress your crush, but this time you’re going to CRUSH your workout. Pairing an outfit you feel confident in will help motivate you to get out of bed. It does me at least.. show off that new Lululemon top you just bought, or the running shoes you bought in January that haven’t even graced the pavement. Update your workout wardrobe and show it off! (MORNING WORKOUT TIP: try wearing your clothes to bed, minus tight spandex, or compression clothing, but it shaves time!)

All Black Err'thang

All Black Err’thang

2. Go To Bed With Your Alarm Across The Room: By setting your phone or alarm across your bedroom, it allows you to actually get good sleep without checking Facebook 400 times before you close your eyes, when we know your news feed hasn’t changed once since 10 p. m. It also makes you have to physically get up to turn it off, now that you’re up and in your workout gear, GO WORKOUT.

3. Accountability: get a partner, your spouse, best friend, dog.. whoever, hold them accountable, text or call them the night before, call them out on social media with a post like ” can’t wait to workout with _____ tomorrow morning, let’s do this!” that way they will hold themselves to their word and not disappoint their friend! PS everyone loves for someone else to see their hard work on social media, for some odd reason it motivates us to get LIKES, TAGS, or whatever it may be.

Find a Running Partner, Bear keeps runs safe and fun! Plus he gets exercise too :)

Find a Running Partner, Bear keeps runs safe and fun! Plus he gets exercise too 🙂

4. Plan A Sweet Breakfast Post Workout: Idk about you but I’m the girl who is always counting down until my next meal! LMAO but seriously, I create a kick ass post workout meal every morning, I get excited over omlets, fruit, oatmeal, BREAKFAST FOOD IS THE BEST FOOD. I’ve posted on breakfast food before and a few recipes as well! Fuel your body with the best! And no cinnamon rolls do not count!

5. Find Some Motivation/ Give Yourself a PEP Talk: Seriously, if you have to get on Pinterest and look up Workout Motivation, or inspirational quotes, whatever it may be DO IT. Get excited, sometimes I won’t be able to go to bed till a later time because I’m excited to wake up and sweat, increase my reps or weight, and to eat breakfast right after (HEHE) Whatever gets your soul motivated, let it drive you, let it feed your thoughts, and smash your goals!


If you have a morning workout routine, what helps you wake up and stay motivated to push through a workout?

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