Leg Day Workout #bootybybrittney

Leg days are the best days!

Gym Routine– Equipment  Needed: Squat Rack, Dumb bells (Db), Weight plate 25 or higher


Superset #1– pick a weight that challenges you for 5 sets!

Barbell Back Squat: 12,10,8,8,6

DB RDL: 15,12,10,10,8

Superset #2– pick a weight that challenges you for 4 sets!

Overhead Plate Walking Lunge: 10,10,8,8 (each leg)

DB Goblet Squat: 10,10,10,10,

Superset#3– pick a weight that challenges you for 3 sets 

DB Deficit Step Up[2 inches higher than your normal step up]: 10,10,8

Barbell Glute Bridge (on floor): 15,15,15

Try and push yourself on this circuit, beware of your bodies limits, remember exercise should not be painful! Make every rep count! If you try this leg killer tag me on instagram #bootybybrittney @bshilia


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