Monday Motivation

I’ve always been an early riser/morning person.  I have never needed anyone to beg me to wake up, roll me out of bed, throw water on me.. etc.  Monday’s are easy for me, I love the feeling of starting a fresh new week where anything could happen.  That being said, here are a few tips to help you start your week of feeling energized and ready to take on whatever life throws at you!

1.Wake up the first time.  

Wake up as soon as your alarm goes off.  Don’t hit snooze, wake that booty up, get up, stretch, walk around, lay in bed and stretch, go wash your face, brush your teeth, and make some coffee, or juice, or tea, or water.. whatevvva you like!

2. Take time to meditate

Surely not everyone has the time or want to meditate but it helps me. Deep breathing and getting off your mobile device is so important for me first thing in the morning.  Think about how blessed you are to wake up with a roof over your head, a job, water to drink, food to eat, and find something positive in your day to look forward to.  This can take 1 minute, it can take 10, it’s your time for YOU!


I do not care how busy you are, grab a protein shake (not my ideal breakfast but it works), handful of fruit, some eggs, and some oatmeal and you’ve got a powerful breakfast to keep you from binge eating on some simple carbs like donuts and soda. This will help you also have more energy! We could all use that right? Don’t forget your water either! I’m watching you 🙂

4. Plan your day

Plan your day from you outfits, meals, to activities, and you time.  Here is where the type A personality comes out in me.  I have an agenda, yes a paperback planner that I use for everything. For some reason I don’t like typing things into my smart phone, who am I right? Also, studies show that if you right something down, chances are you’re more likely to remember it! I plan my week ahead, plan the night before, save yourself some time in the morning rush and plan! Your day will be much more smooth if you do what you are able to the night before, that way if something does happen, you don’t have to run around like a chicken with its head cut off to be on time!


I hope these help all my sleepers out there! Wake up, be productive, grind now, and relax later.  Have a great week ya’ll!


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