Habits For A Healthier You in 2017!

  • picmonkey-collage
  • Drink Water before any other beverage, yes I know it’s hard to beat reaching for the coffee or tea first thing in the morning, just do it.
  • Meditate, pray, take deep breaths to set the pace for your day, one task at a time.
  • Get sweaty for AT LEAST 20 minutes per day.
  • Once a week take yourself a hot bath, pop a bath bomb, soak and relax.
  • Add a facial to that bath as well.
  • Wash your face, often.
  • Clean your make up brushes weekly.
  • Soak your hair brush weekly in hot water.
  • Dust everything!!
  • Clean out your car every two weeks.
  • Go to sleep at the same time each night.
  • Wake up the first time when your alarm sounds.
  • Do a cleanse (My Favorite Cleanse here!)
  • Read a book you can learn from.
  • If it feels wrong, don’t do it.
  • Make more time for your friends and family.
  • Have Intentions not Resolutions.
  • Surround yourself with Nourishing People, even if it means cutting ties.
  • Eat Yo Veggies.
  • Treat Yo self.
  • Pray, a lot.
  • Get a planner.
  • Adult coloring books y’all.

These are a few tips and habits I plan on practicing this New Year! What do you plan on adding to your life this year?

One thought on “Habits For A Healthier You in 2017!

  1. chainbreakercorporation says:

    Very motivational, thank you for sharing!

    (*^ω^) (´∀`*) (-‿‿-) ☆*:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:*☆
    (o^▽^o) (⌒▽⌒)☆


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