At Home Workout for hustlers!

Summer time is here! Happy first day of summer! Most of us assume we will be less stressed and more carefree during the summer months, when really it's pure CHAOS! Here's a quick at home workout that you can do in 30 minutes or less! #YAYSUMMER #BOOTYBYBRITTNEY #SUNSOUTBUNSOUT #SUMMERTIME #WORKOUT Tabata Style! 20 seconds of … Continue reading At Home Workout for hustlers!

Habits For A Healthier You in 2017!

Drink Water before any other beverage, yes I know it's hard to beat reaching for the coffee or tea first thing in the morning, just do it. Meditate, pray, take deep breaths to set the pace for your day, one task at a time. Get sweaty for AT LEAST 20 minutes per day. Once a … Continue reading Habits For A Healthier You in 2017!

My Favorite Rice

    Hello all! So lately I've been obsessed with Cauliflower. Cauliflower rice particularly. I love this stuff and I don't feel guilty eating it because it's so good for you! Cauliflower is so versatile too! You can make pizza crusts, mashed potatoes, rice, roasted cauliflower, buffalo cauliflower, just about anything! The best part is … Continue reading My Favorite Rice

Let’s Play Catch Up! + Stadium Bleacher Workout + 10 Day Cleanse Challenge

Hello, Hello, Hello! Yoooo, guys sorry for going MIA for the past like month, literally. I have been crazy busy between workouts, work, Advocare, friends, and family time! I wouldn't have it any other way though. So last I posted was right before Memorial Day Weekend.. Time to play catch up! Memorial Day Weekend: We … Continue reading Let’s Play Catch Up! + Stadium Bleacher Workout + 10 Day Cleanse Challenge